New years gardening resolutions

New years gardening resolutions


No better way to start the new year than to set out some new year gardening resolutions for your home and outdoor space. These resolutions can range from things you would like to improve, things you don’t do and things you would like to do.


Add more houseplants

Houseplants are an amazing addition to your home and can brighten up any room or space. They can improve your air quality and add style to your home. They can be placed on window sills, in living spaces and bedrooms.


Reduce plastic use

Due to the increasing concern about the planet, we are committed to doing our part to protect the plant and minimise our carbon and plastic footprint. The use of plastic can be minimised  in the garden as cans and bottles can be reused from the home and repurposed in the garden.


Start growing

Planting your own fruit and vegetables in your home is good for your space as well as your health. Planting your own also has benefits for the environment such as the reduction of air and water pollution. There are so many things that you can plant now which will be ready to harvest in late spring or early summer.


Compost waste

Making your own compost at home can be so helpful as it can enrich your soil by helping it to lock moisture in.  it also gives smaller wildlife like bees and worms a place to inhabit. It is also easy to set up a compost bin.

We hope that you can stick to these resolutions and have an amazing new year! 

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